
Showing posts from February, 2022

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 The sexual health of men is not as complicated as that of women.  Show a man a certain type of image and if his brain and nervous system are working properly to produce nitric oxide, then a response will usually occur. That's not to discount any mental, emotional, and spiritual components but it is the physical component that has the greatest impact on a man's sexual health.  This article will focus on what men can do to improve the physical component of their sexual health. The side benefit is that these suggestions can also positively impact your overall wellness and how you age. In all the information I gathered to prepare for this article, two overriding issues kept surfacing. These two health issues were consistently present. The first is hormone levels. The second is cardiovascular health. Most men would understand how hormone levels could apply but few ever consider cardiovascular health. Your cardiovascular health is as important to your sexual health as it is to your